You’re tired. Like really tired…
Sleep does not help.
Coffee does not help.
This state is called burnout and you need some first aid.
Today’s 60-second video (because we know you’re too tired to watch a full 5-minute episode ;)) gives you 5 easy things to do daily to recover from total burnout.
Here they are:
1: Before bed, have 8 ounces of water with ½-1 teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt to mineralize yourself.
2: Have an adrenal healing creamsicle immediately upon waking.
3: Twice daily, take 5 drops of licorice root tincture as long as you do not have high blood pressure.
4: Each afternoon, drink a full mug of bone broth with a teaspoon of ghee and collagen in it with a side of 1 cup of berries.
5: Take 200-800mg of easy to absorb and use magnesium (not citrate).
Once you’ve mastered the five steps above, then watch our step-by-step protocol episode called Healing Adrenal Fatigue 101: A Day In The Life and implement the food-based strategies you learn there.