The Power & Freedom Of Personal Accountability

The Power & Freedom Of Personal Accountability

The Power & Freedom Of Personal Accountability

Personal Accountability (we call it “The Right Personal Accountability” here at The Whole Journey and teach about it in our Adrenal ReCode program) is the belief that you are fully responsible for your own thoughts, emotions, actions, and the consequences of all three.

It's a choice, a mindset, and an expression of integrity that opens you up to the understanding that peace begins with you.

Personal accountability allows you to take ownership of every experience you have attracted into your life without judgment of yourself or blaming others but as an understanding of your role in everything.

When we take the right personal accountability and responsibility for our actions and our life, we understand that what we do and our experiences are a projection of our own reality. And, the same holds true for others.

Imagine what a different world we’d be living in right now if everyone took accountability instead of playing the blame, shame, and judgment game…

The Gifts Of Personal Accountability

Taking the right personal accountability and responsibility allows us to receive some of the greatest gifts life has to offer.

  1. We no longer take offense to the actions or opinions of others.
  2. We are able to set firm boundaries in favor of what is in our own highest and best good.
  3. We stop taking accountability for others and we begin to claim our power.
  4. All of this begins to attract the right people and experiences into your life while having the negative ones fall to the wayside, sometimes gracefully and sometimes not so gracefully.

I can imagine that lots of you are experiencing changes in your relationships right now (me too) and that can be quite surprising.

It’s because we can no longer avoid this very important step in our human evolution and we must spend time with those whom we are in energetic alignment with and this affects your health equally, if not more, than what you eat.

Examples Of Not Taking The Right Personal Accountability

If these thoughts and statements feel true, you are most likely not taking enough personal accountability and your life would improve if you did.

  • I find myself complaining about others (either out loud or privately in my thoughts)
  • I feel like I have been victimized and many people (or everyone) take advantage of my kind and giving nature.
  • Things never go my way.
  • My feelings often get hurt when others are late, don’t call or email me back, or cancel plans.
  • I find myself apologizing often.
  • I’m afraid if I say what I mean, I will be judged.
  • When someone insults me (even subtly) (I didn’t recognize you because you look so much shorter than I remember), I think about it and stew on it for days.
  • If someone offends me or asks too much from me, it’s easier for me to just cut off the relationship altogether versus setting healthy boundaries and giving them a chance to respect them or not.

If most of these are true, you have trouble taking the right personal accountability and this significantly contributes to your health issues and negative experiences in life.

But not to worry! Starting a daily practice where you become more aware, recognize and deliberately interrupt these thoughts and feelings will change your life!

Steps To Taking The Right Personal Accountability

  1. Become aware of your habitual thoughts and feelings that lead to things like blaming others, feeling victimized, lack of healthy boundaries, people-pleasing, etc.
  2. Catch yourself when you do things like worry about what others think about you, over-apologize, say no to the help you really need, criticize yourself, etc.
  3. Choose a mantra to repeat when feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or victimized (example: I now choose centeredness, clarity, and peace)

Reclaim Your Power

Taking the right personal accountability and responsibility allows us to receive some of the greatest gifts. We no longer take offense to the actions or the opinions of others. That frees us. We're able to set firm boundaries in favor of what is in our own highest and best good. We stop taking over accountability for others and that allows us to begin to claim our power.

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