My 4-Day Winter Soup Cleanse

My 4-Day Winter Soup Cleanse

We’ve all heard of juice cleanses, but are they the best thing for us in the winter time?

Do they provide fat or protein to those of us who are hormonally challenged yet still need to cleanse in order to heal?

The answer to both of those questions is no.

That’s why we're sharing our systematic 4-Day Soup Cleanse that works to oust unwanted bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, yeast and fungus.

It also removes accumulated inflammation, cleanses the bowels, and reboots the immune system while supporting the liver and gallbladder as well as the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands.

This is not only a 4-Day reset – it’s targeted toward lasting healing you can FEEL.

Once you’ve watched the episode above, below are 5 different options to help you mix and match based upon your taste as well as a sample day so you can see how this can work in your life.

Your Options:

1) Vegetable Broth

Anti-inflammatory, kidney cleansing, and liver boosting

16 ounces vegetable broth

1 tablespoon of shredded fresh ginger (or 1 teaspoon dried ginger)

1 teaspoon of diced turmeric (or ½ teaspoon dry turmeric)

1 teaspoon organic coconut oil (optional)

Top with 2 tablespoons chopped parsley

Sea salt to taste

Bring all ingredients except parsley and coconut oil (add during simmer) to a rolling boil and simmer for 5 mins.

2) Beef Broth

Anti-pathogenic and supportive the gut and lymphatic system

16 ounces Beef Broth

2 tablespoons collagen

1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary

1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme

Melt in 1 teaspoon of grass fed ghee

Sea Salt to taste

Bring all ingredients except ghee (add during simmer) to a rolling boil and simmer for 5 mins.

3) Chicken Broth

Anti-fungal, supportive to gut, immune system and hormones

16 ounces Chicken Bone Broth

2 tablespoons collagen

1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

Sea Salt to taste

1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil

Bring all ingredients to a rolling boil and simmer for 5 mins.

Melt in 1 teaspoon of grass-fed ghee.

4) Creamy Coconut Soup

Soothing, cleansing of heavy metals

16 ounces unsweetened coconut milk

1 cup of cilantro

1 teaspoon shredded fresh ginger

1 stalk fresh lemongrass

Pull off and discard coarse outer layers from lemon grass and trim off and discard stem ends; rinse lemon grass. Cut stalk into 3-inch lengths. With the flat side of a knife, lightly crush lemon grass. Blend all ingredients in a blender or Vitamix, then heat on the stove until a boil, immediately simmer.

Bonus Broth!

5) Bieler’s Broth

Adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary reboot

This recipe was developed by a pioneer physician named Henry Bieler to heal a variety of illnesses. Most often, the soup was used as a fast.

Dr. Bieler would take a detailed study of the patients’ endocrine glands. This includes the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and the thyroid gland. Dr. Bieler would then prescribe a dietary cure. The cure depended upon the glands which where dysfunctional.

The cure would be a limited diet, or even a fast on Bieler's broth. The vegetables are like nature's vitamins, and restore such elements as potassium and sodium to our glands. Dr. Bieler was particularly interested in restoring the liver as a way to health.

Original Bieler Recipe
Adapted from Body Expressions

3 celery stalks
3 whole zucchini
2 cups string beans
1 cup Italian parsley
1 tablespoon raw unsalted butter
1 cup water

Wash produce
Place water into a stockpot, add the string beans in first, and steam for about 5 minutes.
Add celery and zucchini into the pot and steam for another 5 – 7 minutes or until tender, but still crisp. Do not overcook.
Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
Place vegetables and the water from the stockpot in a blender and puree until smooth.
Add butter and parsley, blend again until parsley is liquefied.

Sample Soup Cleanse Day


Supplement: (1 probiotic MBC)
Chicken Broth or Beef Broth


(Supplement: 3-5 drops Biocidin in water)
16 ounces green juice with lemon or lime OR 16-24 ounces of Bieler’s Broth


Creamy Coconut Soup
(optional side of 1 cup raw, shredded beets with olive oil, lemon juice, and sea salt for gallbladder detox and fiber)


(Supplement: 3-5 drops Biocidin in water)
Veggie Broth or 16-24 ounces of Bieler’s Broth


(Supplement: 3-4 Triphala)
Beef or Chicken Broth (whichever you did not have for breakfast)

After Dinner

If you are still hungry, have a cup or bowl of either vegetable broth or Bieler’s Broth.

I got the idea to share this with you because I’m on Step 2 of my Gut Thrive Program, which is called “The Pathogen Purge”. Today is my last day of the 4-Day Fast and I’m feeling excellent!

What do you think? Ready to give it a try? Let us know in the comments below.

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