Your Antibiotic Recovery Plan

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can survive exposure to stomach acid and bile. Their job is to help assist the exit of bad bacteria, help us extract more nutrition out of our food, and to grow and maintain balance and integrity within the intestinal lining.

Probiotics support our digestion and help keep our immune system strong, especially against infections (both within the gut and the rest of the body), regulate inflammation, regulate bowel motility (decrease constipation), support immune function, and enhance nutrient absorption. They are also intricately connected to our brain, metabolic, and emotional health. Over 70% of the human immune system is located within the digestive tract.

Unfortunately, an imbalance can happen to all of us depending on our diets, antibiotic use, lifestyle choices, etc. – but especially with the overuse of antibiotics. A recent study from the BMJ found that over 25% of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary. Many are prescribed for viral infections that antibiotics can do nothing to support, which kills our good gut flora that actually protects our immune system, causes leaky gut or intestinal permeability, and a host of other things that weaken us. 

The overprescribing and overuse (using them too soon when natural interventions can be much more supportive) of antibiotics can have a significant impact on our microbiome, which is why having a probiotic plan can help you recover quicker and mitigate the long-term gut and immune damage if you have to use antibiotics. 

During & After Antibiotics: ProbioMed 100

This is the probiotic to take during and after antibiotics because it contains 100 billion colony-forming units to recolonize your gut after the antibiotics kill off your good gut bacteria. 

Our typical suggestion is to take one, four hours away from each antibiotic dose, not to exceed two per day, and then one at night before bed for 21 days after. 

ProbioMed 100 is a highly potent, shelf-stable, dairy-free probiotic formulation containing 100 billion CFU per serving. It consists of 10 of the most highly-researched probiotic strains, with each strain and specific CFU count fully disclosed. 

It is formulated with robust strains capable of surviving the harsh journey to the intestines and can attach to the intestinal walls, where they can grow and contribute to lasting gastrointestinal health. In addition, these strains are clinically proven to survive due to a delayed-release technology and unique moisture-resistant, desiccant-lined packaging, removing the need for refrigeration. 

This is also a great probiotic to take while traveling, as flying changes your gut bacteria, and it is our most supportive probiotic for parasites, protozoa, and fungus/yeast. 

Another way to use this formula is to take it daily for 30 days twice a year, spaced at least three to four months apart to boost your gut health (and immune system)! 

During & After Antibiotics: ProbioMed 50

The ProbioMed 50 is all of the goodness of the ProbioMed 100 above with ten highly researched, stable strains of good bacteria, but at half the dose so it provides a good step-down approach while your healthy diet and pre-biotics are helping you regrow your good gut bacteria. 

We specifically use ProbioMed 50 in our Gut Thrive program to best support upper GI function for those with H. pylori, heartburn, reflux, or stomach issues/aches. 

If you have to go on antibiotics but are more sensitive, you can take this ProbioMed 50 as a step-down. Take one, four hours away from each antibiotic dose, not to exceed two per day, and then one at night before bed for the duration of your antibiotic dose. After your antibiotic dose is complete, take one daily for 14 days and then step down to every other day for 14 days.

Daily or Weekly: Probiotic Supreme DF

This daily probiotic is lower in dose and formulation but specifically formulated to mitigate allergies and inflammation and support healthy cholesterol while improving bowel movements, digestive health, and immunity. I like to take this daily for one to two months a year (spaced apart by several months) and then a few times a week after that. 

A Gut Lining Integrity Formula 

Then different herbs will work to heal and seal the lining of the gut to strengthen what’s called your mucosal lining. When “bad bugs” or pathogens are present, a healthy body will wrap them up in mucous and transport them out of the body via the bowels (or mucous in the nose). The problem is that antibiotics (and alcohol, stress, N-saids, GMOs, caffeine, sugar, etc.) thin this mucosal lining, leaving you defenseless in the face of a pathogen which is why it takes root and sets up home inside your gut. 

The trick is to strengthen your gut lining to decrease inflammation in that area, which we call healing and sealing the lining of the gut. Then you want to create an inhospitable environment for pathogens and a lower body-wide inflammation set point, which means you feel and look much better. 

GI Revive is my absolute favorite for this as it contains L-glutamine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, aloe vera, slippery elm, chamomile, and okra as well as quercetin to handle the job, and there is no other complex out there with this magic healing blend! 

We suggest taking two per meal during antibiotic treatment and for 21 days after, then dropping down to one per meal for the following 30 days and of course drinking lots of high quality bone broth and using collagen in your smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, and wherever you can up to four tablespoons per day. 

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