There is not one big secret to weight loss, there are lots of them. Here are some tried and tested ways to boost your metabolism and kick start weight loss that you can try right away. The trick is to start today, gradually and steadily adopting a few new tips.
Drink 1 liter of water for every 50lbs of body weight.
Minimize caffeine– it’s a quick fix that ultimately drains you. (Try Teeccino's)
Explore an array of vegetables and find out what you love
Eat organic- it’s higher quality and more nutritious
Rest before you reach the point of crashing
Move your body in ways you enjoy
Consistently diversify the foods you eat
Befriend your body; pay attention to and understand its signals
Get a really good health coach who inspires you
Find a creative outlet that inspires you
Eat plenty of green vegetables
Get really clear on what you’d like your health to look like.
Hang out with friends that energize you
Get out of the office at a decent hour even if you still have a lot to do
Eat something raw with every meal
Undertake the journey to lasting weight loss with a friend
Drink smoothies instead of sodas
Get out in the sunshine and fresh air during the day
Eat Asian food
Walk or bike to work
Take as much vacation as you can guilt free
Play with children or at least the child within
Quit the gym if you hate it and find other ways of exercising
Focus on what you want – this creates an entirely different future
Drop friends that drain you
Upgrade your chocolate to dark and organic
Improve your communication skills to conserve energy
Use technology to automate as much of your life as possible (bill paying etc)
Ask for help or pay someone to help you with extra work/chores
Ask your friends what they appreciate about you
Ditch artificial sweeteners. Use Stevia instead
Raise your voice – or lower it
Reflect upon and write a list of what you really desire in life and go for it
Eat whole grains and root vegetables daily
Cook some of your own food
Practice yoga
Learn how to have healthy boundaries
Immerse yourself in like-minded community
Avoid or reduce white flour
Meditate frequently
Make friends with your kitchen and fridge
Experiment with eating less meat
Explore Indian spices like Turmeric
Believe in yourself – become very clear what your strengths are
Write a journal tracking what energizes you and drains you
Eat more beans and legumes
Eat seasonally
Allow yourself downtime to recharge and do nothing
Take hot baths
Cultivate self-love
Spend time in nature
Wind down effectively at night in order to get a good night’s sleep
Stay away from the TV and the computer 1 hour before bed
Eat regularly – don’t skip meals
Reduce your dairy intake
Upgrade the quality of your food across the board
Throw out any hydrogenated oils in your pantry
Get the sugar out of your diet – start reading labels
Grow fresh herbs in your window and add them to your food
Drink herbal teas
Allow yourself enough time to sleep
Observe your breath and strive to breathe deeply
Maintain a high level of oral hygiene, especially include flossing
Get and give massage or bodywork
Be bad once in a while
Eat a wholesome breakfast
Eat slowly and chew well
Eat even more vegetables
Avoid MSG and other food additives
Take responsibility for your own happiness
Eat lightly in the evening
Enjoy soups frequently – learn how easy it is to make your own
Do a cleanse once or twice a year
Write gratitude lists periodically
Eat a range of seaweeds
Skip the elevator, take the stairs.
Explore your sexuality
Use extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, flax seed oil and organic butter
Take a walk after dinner
Don’t take all the fat out of your diet
Love your body however it is
Drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices
Incorporate sprouts into your salads
Reduce white sugar by adding in less refined natural sweeteners
Know your body’s needs for rest
Eat a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables daily
Create a good support network
Include a variety of flavors in your diet not forgetting bitter, astringent and pungent tastes
Set aside one night a week all for yourself
Foster a sense of humor – laugh a lot
Experiment with green superfoods like spirulina and wheat grass
Discard your table salt and go for high quality sea salt
Learn to cook quick, easy and delicious meals
Sing or hum to yourself on the street
Face your fears – where there is fear there is energy and power
Eat fat dissolving vegetables daily
Eat your main meal at lunch time
Go out dancing without drugs or alcohol and/or take dance classes
Have openness, curiosity and endless appreciation for all life
Make pleasure a priority in your life
Most of all cultivate a positive attitude and an inspired environment around you and enjoy the process of becoming healthier every step of the way!