10-Week Adrenal ReCode Program

The perfect hormone balancing solution for those who are constantly stressed, having trouble with low energy, and can’t sleep through the night!
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.
symptoms that your nervous system is calling out for help

When the glass of wine no longer takes the edge off and when the coffee no longer gives you a boost, it’s time for The Adrenal ReCode.

Chronic exhaustion
Feeling overwhelmed
Mental fog
Memory issues
Tired but wired
Inability to focus
Thyroid problems (that requires taking thyroid medication)
Lack of purpose
Weight gain or can’t lose it (even with the addition of “dieting” and exercise)
Hanger (angry or shaky when hungry)
Intense and uncontrollable cravings for salt, sugar, caffeine, and/or alcohol
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Heart pounding when you wake up
Dizziness and lightheaded upon standing
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.

Join Thousands of ReCoders Transforming Their Lives

“I feel happier than ever!”
After a decade on antidepressants, I am so proud to say I am not on ANY prescription medications and feel happier than I have in my entire life all because of Christa and The Whole Journey!
- Lora K.
“Worth soooo much more than the cost!”
Within a week I had energy. I started sleeping, deeply.  I learned how to eat for the rest of my life so my body would be in balance. My body started burning some fat instead of storing it. But not only did this process help me with nutrition, it helped me with life skills, growth and taught me how to put myself first when I need to. This has been one of the best things I’ve done for myself, my life, my relationship. I cannot possibly recommend this work enough – it is worth soooo much more than the cost.
- Tessa
reported a significant increase in their energy levels
reported significant improvements with anxiety & brain fog
recommend these programs to others
I'm thrilled to share even more survey results from ReCoders
I’m not controlled by my emotions anymore
A new sense of calm
Better sleep
Less stress
Balanced in meals, no more sugar cravings
How to eat in ways that gave my body the fuel it needed
Energy levels are way up
Blood pressure and blood sugar are in normal ranges again
I have an entirely new way of relating to my eating, emotions, and relationships
Nervous system calmed by nutrition
What foods work best for me
Tools for emotional healing & breakthrough
I love that I have the tools to help myself for the rest of my life that can be done when I have time and in my own home. I can revisit the tools given for the rest of my life.

What’s Happening In Your Body

When any part of our system is unhealthy, the other parts cannot function as they should. The list of symptoms goes on and on and will continue to get worse if not healed in a lasting way.

The rest-digest-and-heal branch of our nervous system should be the dominant branch of our nervous system, allowing us to enjoy living in a calm, peaceful, and confident state. The fight-flight-or-freeze branch of our nervous system should only kick in as the dominant branch when we’re in actual danger.

Due to stressors, past traumas, a fast-paced modern-day life, and a diet inappropriate to meet the needs of our body, a physical pattern has been created that leaves the fight-or-flight nervous system in the driver’s seat.

Due to this, we are consistently and unnecessarily releasing stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline), which desensitizes our cells to insulin (our blood sugar-regulating hormone) and prevents our cells from converting the food we eat into the fuel we need to make energy, which leaves us tired, hangry, overweight, anxious, and sleepless.

We’re stuck in a vicious cycle that breaks down our physical and emotional health.We must first interrupt this chaotic cycle and put the rest-digest-and-heal branch of the nervous system back in the driver’s seat.And then we are able to heal the collateral damage that’s been done to the nerve cells from living in a prolonged state of stress by restoring the outer layer that protects it.
Sympathetic Nervous System
where 80% of us live
Parasympathetic Nervous System
where you regularly should live

3 Part Healing Strategy

The nervous system is the foundation of ALL aspects of our health. When any part of our system is unhealthy, the other parts cannot function as they should.
Our Six-Pillar Clinical Strategy

Part 1: Physical Foundation

Synergistic Foods for the Nervous System, Brain, Adrenals, & Thyroid
The dietary and meal recommendations in The Adrenal ReCode have been carefully selected to replenish your micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, & trace minerals) that get depleted when you have been living in a compromised state. Every single food, drink, herb, spice, boost, and tea matters. Each one has a purpose for healing and works synergistically with other foods to amplify and accelerate their healing effect on each of the four systems we target: the brain, thyroid, adrenals, and nervous system.
Food Frequency to Regulate Blood Sugar
People with low adrenal and thyroid function (a.k.a. energy systems) cannot store adequate energy in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles, which means they cannot regulate blood sugar throughout the day, which means they are stuck in a chronic state of stress.

Therefore, a very important step you’ll be taking in creating or restoring harmony and balance to your nervous system and the function of your adrenal and thyroid glands is to maintain your blood sugar levels, many of you perhaps for the first time. This is the only thing that people who live to be 100 years old have in common.
Fruit (& Root) Sugar to Build Resilience
By strategically eating fruit and root vegetables the way we outline, you will decrease the stress hormones in your system and increase thyroid hormone, breaking the stress cycle and helping you to FEEL the way you want to feel while also healing both your thyroid and adrenals.
Targeted Use of Saturated Fat to Protect the Nervous System
We use specific types and ratios of saturated fats to heal and protect your nervous system so that it can recover from past trauma and be insulated against future trauma. Fat-soluble vitamins provide protection and rejuvenation to your nerve cells.

In The Adrenal ReCode, saturated fats are used sparingly yet strategically to protect your fragile cells from any kind of toxic invasion while you are healing.
Customized Macronutrient Ratios & Real-Time Assessments
The right ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat is necessary in order to shut off the sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight) and the release of stress hormones so you can heal the adrenals, nourish the thyroid, and support the brain. We’ll help you discover your unique macronutrient ratio based upon your body’s own feedback system which provides a real-time meal-to-meal assessment of whether your food is working for or against you.
Using the Breath and Movement to Control & Heal the Nervous System
The breath is the remote control of the brain and the nervous system. It’s one of your best tools and it’s always with you.

Oxygen is food for your cells and also a great detoxifier. Those of us with adrenal fatigue and compromised thyroid function need more oxygen in order to convert our food into fuel and to create energy. We also need more help detoxifying gently and safely.

The simple act of ReCoding the way you breathe as we outline will pay huge dividends on your body’s ability to make energy and thus will impact your moods, energy levels, digestion, and sense of peace, calm, and stability.
Our Five-Step Emotional Process

Part 2: Emotional Foundation

Identifying and Examining Limiting Beliefs
Alongside our Tony Robbins life coach, you’ll learn what limiting beliefs are, how they’re formed, and how to identify your specific limiting beliefs that are responsible for keeping you stuck in fight-or-flight. You’ll learn how to examine and dismantle these beliefs and create new, empowering ones that support the life you desire.
Creating The Right Personal
Personal accountability is the belief that you are fully responsible for your own thoughts, emotions, actions, and the consequences of all three. We teach you how to achieve the right accountability and how it positively affects your health in profound ways. This is especially needed and supportive for empaths, highly sensitive people (HSPs), caretakers, and chronic over givers.
Releasing Trapped Negative Emotions, Presence & Forgiveness
You’ll learn from our emotional mastery coach how your emotional experiences throughout your entire life have been stored in your body and are now affecting your physical health. You will “somatically” (through the body) detox these trapped negative emotions and replace them with more empowering emotions that reflect who you are now and where you want to go. From there, we’ll teach you how to be present so that you can be peaceful, the impact of forgiveness on your physical health, and how to free yourself through our forgiveness process.
Establishing Healthy Boundaries & Empowerment
When we say yes when we mean no, and lend our time, energy, money, or other resources, it depletes us physically and emotionally. We make these decisions that ultimately harm us because of our own need for love, approval, or appreciation.

From this understanding, you will learn what healthy boundaries are and how to establish them. This bolsters safety and confidence within yourself (you’ve got your own back) and strengthens your relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
Creating a New Positive Story to Live Moving Forward
You’ll use all you’ve learned in Steps 1-4 to write a new story for yourself and your future, one you can embody and live using the Tony Robbins Four Keys to Effective Imagery Technique as well as our proven visualization strategies.
the outcome

Part 3: Living The Adrenal ReCode

Now that we’ve interrupted the chaotic stress hormonal cycle, have been able to consistently reverse it and re-train the body to put the rest-digest-and-heal system back in the driver’s seat, we can live the way we are naturally designed to live.

By this time, you’ve built a physical and emotional reservoir you can rely on that you’ve never had before. Something that would have registered on your “I am stressed out” scale as a 10, you will now experience as a 2 because you have built internal resilience, both physically and emotionally.

You are able to respond, versus react and you make life choices and changes with clarity, intention, and power.
our 3-PArt process distilled into 8 modules

Heal with this 10-Week Program

Module 1
Assessment & Adrenal ReCode Food Strategy
This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Rather than spending $1500+ on lab work to determine the current state of your adrenals, thyroid, brain chemicals, and digestive health, you’ll take our Self-Assessment Algorithmic Questionnaire to determine which track of the program you’ll follow.

Lab work gives us a snapshot of the present state of your health. Our assessment was created from 30 years of combined clinical experience and is designed to take into account the entirety of your past and present and how they directly affect what you’re experiencing now.
Module 2
Real-Time Feedback and Assessment Tools
You'll learn how to use your body temperature, pulse, and food logs as both subjective and objective assessments to customize your program and regain your health. Furthermore, you'll understand how your physiology affects you and how to establish your unique baseline from which to customize your food specific to your exact needs.

You will be able to understand whether your body can withstand the stress of each day, or if your body is locked in a sympathetic dominant state, resulting in exhausted adrenals and a suppressed thyroid.
Module 3
Manipulating Your Macronutrients,
Movement & Breath
This module will teach you how to log the grams of your macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) with each meal and snack using The Adrenal ReCode app.

It will help you review and interpret your own logs to see what’s working and what’s not. Also, you will learn how to continually customize your macronutrient intake specific to the needs of your cells based upon your logs to advance your healing exponentially.

That's not it! There's more: sleep routines, what to do when feeling overwhelmed, breathing techniques, yoga movements...
Identifying and Examining Limiting Beliefs
This module will help you understand how to identify the key limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in fight-or-flight mode attracting the wrong situations, circumstances, and people into your life. Also, you'll be able to differentiate between your memorized or habitual self and your present or true self.

You will also find a six-step process to examine your limiting beliefs so that you can begin to dismantle them and proven interruption practices for consistency and progress.
Creating Right Personal Accountability
You'll learn how much right accountability does or does not affect your health and happiness and where you fall on the continuum of accountability. Thus, you'll discover supportive strategies for empaths, highly sensitive people (HSPs), caretakers and chronic over-givers.

You'll also discover: mirroring exercises to help with greater right accountability, reframing exercises to help you see things in a new light and reinforcement techniques to enhance the gifts of accountability in your life.Summary placeholder
Releasing Trapped Negative Emotions,
Presence & Forgiveness
In this module, you'll comprehend how our emotional and physical health are inextricably linked and how to release stored, trapped negative emotions from the body.

Also, you'll understand the impact of forgiveness on physical health, the power of emotions, presence, and the impact of forgiveness and what being “in the present moment” actually means.
Establishing Healthy Boundaries,
Empowerment & A New Story
You'll learn how to identify your empowering beliefs and how to establish healthy boundaries in an ongoing way. Also, you'll be able to understand how you can hold power within your being to create ongoing emotional strength and safety and ReCoding your limiting beliefs to your empowering beliefs.
Living The Adrenal ReCode
In this module, you'll learn where you currently fall on the physical and emotional wheel of life and how to write your own story. Also, you'll be able to comprehend how to live The Adrenal ReCode with physical and emotional reinforcement techniques.
Science-backed HEALTH Transformation

Proven Methodology

Body as One Whole
If you have a rock in your shoe, wouldn’t you agree that it’s better to take off your shoe and remove the rock versus taking ibuprofen to mask the discomfort?
Life-long Changes
By creating a balance between the clinical aspects of health, primary foods and the foods you eat everyday; you’ll experience steady changes in your health and well being that you’ll be able to maintain for life.
Highly Personalized
We believe every individual has distinct dietary needs based upon genetics, lifestyle, gender, age, blood type, stress levels, how they ate as a child, current state of health and future health goals.
Members have the knowledge and tools to take full accountability and responsibility for their health for the rest of their lives, and know how to course-correct if or when symptoms reappear.
Free of Willpower
While many nutritional philosophies dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins, and restrictive “good and bad” foods, this community is provided with the tools and knowledge to create a happier, healthier life in a way that is fun, flexible, and free of willpower and denial.
Mind-Body-Spirit Approach
We focus on primary food elements that nourish you including honest, open relationships, movement you enjoy, a meaningful spiritual practice, a creative outlet that inspires you, and an understanding that there can be emotional roots to physical illness.

No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means.

I bg bliever that many are suffering unnecessarily and that if we bypass addressing individual symptoms in favor of looking at the body as one whole, systemic organism where all organs and glands are in concert with each other, the body will heal itself more effectively.
$6,200 in value

What You'll Get Inside The Adrenal ReCode

Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Save the cost of running five different types of lab work by using the self-assessment algorithmic questionnaire designed with 30 years of clinical experience behind it to offer you a customized Adrenal ReCode track.
Real-Time Tools
Real-time assessment & feedback tools remove all the guesswork and enable you to fine-tune the program to make sure you stay in the healing zone in order to get the astounding results this program can deliver.
Integrative Nutritionists
Access to our team of highly-trained clinical and integrative nutritionists to answer your specific clinical questions via email within 48 hours through Dec 31, 2023. You cannot get this type of customized care with any other online program.
6+ Hours of Video
Over 6 hours of step-by-step video tutorials that include transcriptions & audio files.
Support Materials
30+ downloadable handouts, and customized protocols according to your assessment results.
Tailored supplement guidance for your individual needs and access to supplements that are available through practitioners only.
Custom Meal Plans
Detailed, customized dietary recommendations, meal plans, snack ideas, and 70-page recipe book replete with macronutrient content that corresponds to an Adrenal ReCode specific app for easy logging.
Adrenal ReCode Logging Application
We make logging your macronutrients easy with our do-it-for-you app that has all of our snacks and recipes preloaded with macronutrient values. Plus, you can customize your app by adding non-Adrenal ReCode meals you love to eat.
Personal Growth Strategies
40 years combined life coaching and emotional mastery knowledge from trusted experts (including a Tony Robins life coach) that have worked with thousands of clients to positively transform their emotional landscape and entire life experience.
Movement, Meditation, & Breathwork
A 45-minute calming yoga flow, movement and exercise guidelines, three breathing videos and techniques, a morning ritual meditation, & a releasing trapped negative emotions meditation.
Members-Only Community
Value Priceless
Connect with The Adrenal ReCode community to bolster your success by way of judgment-free peer support and unconditional love.
Expert Guidance for Implementation
35 hours of detailed, recorded "How to Implement" webinars and Facebook Live events from our team of Adrenal ReCode experts.

Heal The Nervous System, Balance Your Hormones

Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.


$697.00 $697.00

or 3 payments of $256
10-Week Program with 8 Modules
Personal Digestive Health Assessment
Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Real-Time Tools
Integrative Nutritionists
6+ Hours of Video
30+ downloadable handouts and customized protocols
Tailored supplement guidance
Custom Meal Plans
70-page recipe book
Adrenal ReCode Logging Application
Personal Growth Strategies
Movement, Meditation, & Breathwork
Members-Only Community
35 hours of detailed, recorded "How to Implement" webinars and more
... much more
Money Back Guarantee
If you don’t love The Adrenal ReCode, or find that this program just isn’t right for you, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee from the date you purchase the program.
Access To The Program
You’ll have access to The Adrenal ReCode in our online portal for the life of the program! That means you'll also have access to any newly added content, recipes, webinar replays or information for the life of the program.
1 Year Of Support
You’ll get access to our clinical nutritionists to answer your specific questions via email for one year. Option to add continued full support after the first year for $99/year.
“After a decade on antidepressants, I am so proud to say I am not on ANY prescription medications and feel happier than I have in my entire life all because of Christa and The Whole Journey!”
– Lora K.
“I came to The Whole Journey suffering from adrenal fatigue, candidiasis, and severe food sensitivities. Christa’s incredible protocols have enabled me to reverse DECADES worth of damage.”
– Erica L.
“After just six months of working The Adrenal ReCode process, my energy levels are consistent, my hair and nails strong and healthy, and most importantly my hormone levels were almost completely back to normal using FOOD alone!”
– Emily
“Within a week I had energy. I started sleeping, deeply. I learned how to eat for the rest of my life so my body would be in balance. My body started burning some fat instead of storing it. But not only did this process help me with nutrition, it helped me with life skills, growth and taught me how to put myself first when I need to. This has been one of the best things I’ve done for myself, my life, my relationship. I cannot possibly recommend this work enough – it is worth soooo much more than the cost.”
– Tessa
“I have to share I’m also expecting an Adrenal ReCode baby!! We’ve been trying to conceive our second child for over a year and this was exactly what my body needed to reboot. My life has been changed by this program in endless ways I will keep with me forever.”
– Anna D.
“Magic happened from that webinar and Module 7 as the very next morning I was CLEAR, DETACHED and VERY CALM about letting go of the toxic person that had seemed to have a lock hold on my heart for so long. I’m feeling really empowered, humble, grateful and happy. I’m reading my Modules 5-7 materials, journaling, and finally being able to really have forgiveness for myself and others from afar. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you and your team.”
– Maryann
“Breathing before meals, understanding the intensity of my workouts by observing my breath, and calming myself before sleep have all been difference makers for me. I now wake up with a calm energy vs a racing heart and nervous energy; I have an appetite upon waking; I no longer have any cravings; My digestion has regulated; I have consistent energy throughout the day (all without coffee!). I truly believe my body didn't know how to relax or handle the stress I was under. With the ReCode program, I was able to teach my body how to get back to healing and trust that it always knows best - and it speaks to me if I'm willing to listen. Before signing up for the ReCode program I was in denial. I thought, 'I'm not that bad, I can handle my stress, I don't need to fix myself'. But something called me to sign up. I'm so glad I did. Once I could admit to myself that I needed the healing, the rest fell into place. Being part of the community of ReCoders is like nothing you've ever experienced before - it's life changing!”
– Kristin S.
“I wanted to share my biggest success from the Adrenal ReCode! I joined the program to prepare my body for having a baby. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 5 months. This week, I just found out that I am pregnant for the first time!!! My body was finally able to relax so my reproductive system could work again:). I am forever grateful for this program!!!”
– Amber L.
“After taking the Adrenal ReCode mini-course, I knew a paid course was coming and finances were super tight. I had suffered from a heat stroke a few months prior and was living with intense, nearly daily, anxiety or panic attacks, on top of not working, and, increasing medical costs. Granted, through the kindness of my family’s support, we made it happen. Nevertheless, I was terrified that this wouldn’t work, but in the back of my mind, I had faith that it would.Via stoking the faith and putting in the work every week, not only did it work, but it surmounted my expectations. I feel like another person, and I know this is just the beginning. For anyone on the fence, I can tell you this; bet on yourself and believe that there are people out there who lead with a genuine intent to help you. You are not alone, especially in this program. If finances are tight, I get it, but please, find a way. The Adrenal ReCode changed my life in so many ways, and I know it can for you too.”
– Gustavo F.
“In honoring MICRO-progress & accepting “what is” now, today, for me. And in Letting go of the humbling feeling of judgement of where I’m at, or “not YET at”…or comparison to what I used to accomplish in my marathon-of-a-day. Just simply having compassion for myself TODAY & the timing of my unique healing process. Thank you for teaching me this huge lesson of grace & acceptance of “meeting myself where I’m at” …and for creating such a gorgeous nurturing space to heal. And Christa… thank you immensely for giving to the DEPTHS of YOUR heart and soul…your passion, kindness, vulnerability, and complete dedication to spread health and light thru the world is transformative for so many!!! I feel blessed to have been a part of this amazing group. ”
– Jennifer S.
“The tools, applications, support, personal interactions, worksheets, Facebook group, mantras, step-by-step processes through forgiveness, negative thinking, limiting beliefs, and the access to the experts in these fields has been invaluable!I continue to daily practice the yoga flow Christa so kindly put together just for nervous system relaxation, the Adrenal ReCode Morning Ritual, and breathing meditations. (...) The community of travelers along the AR road were of such great support in this major transition in my life.Being open, raw, authentic from the top-down (Christa opening up about her real-life life, Jeanne, Tammara, and Kris) doing the same, created a safe space for all of us to then open up and get real.”
– Nancy J.
“I used to pop l-theanine like candy and other calming herbs – really relying on them to stay calm and manage anxiety and stress. I realized I hadn’t taken any of those things for weeks without a second thought!! I still have a long way to go, but I have come SO far with everything — diet, really living in a parasympathetic state for the first time in my life AND doing so consistently, and making huge strides in the emotional work. Experiencing really intense, but wonderfully positive and profound emotional and spiritual transformations.”
– Lori T.

Watch These Amazing Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the program cost?
The program costs $697, which includes access to all course materials for the life of the program, plus one full year of support and other subscription benefits from your date of purchase.
How much does the program cost?
The program costs $697, which includes access to all course materials through Dec 31, 2023.
Is there an installment payment plan?
Yes, we offer payment plans which have made this program a reality for thousands of people already.

There's The Whole Journey’s 3 Payment Plan option that allows you to join now and pay with three monthly installments.
Is there an installment payment plan?
There are no payment plans due to the sunsetting of the company.
Can I do this with my husband / wife / kids? Do I have to buy one program per person or one per household?
That's great that you want to do The Adrenal ReCode together! It makes it that much more exciting to see how each person progresses through the program.

Regarding sharing, if you’d like to go through the program with immediate family members living in the same household, we now offer “The Adrenal ReCode Upgrade: Add A Family Member” upgrade for a nominal investment.

We require you to purchase the “upgrade” because The Adrenal ReCode program is an evolving program that we are making constant upgrades to in order to best support you as research changes. Also, The Adrenal ReCode membership gives you access to our clinical support team of highly trained, practicing functional and integrative nutritionists so we’re able to address the specific health concerns of each enrollee in order to assist with customizing the program to fit your specific needs. You cannot get this kind of high-level, customized support from any other online program.

Each immediate family member who takes advantage of “The Adrenal ReCode Upgrade: Add A Family Member” option will be provided their own login and password upon purchase, giving them instant access to the program and allowing them to receive customized support.

Each household member joining you in the program will need to use a unique email address to purchase “The Adrenal ReCode Upgrade: Add A Family Member” option. Once enrolled, new members will receive instructions on how to access the program with their unique login credentials. Once logged in, they will be able to take the assessment and get started on this amazing healing journey right away.

The cost of “The Adrenal ReCode Upgrade: Add A Family Member” option is $350 per adult, age 18 years and over. Again, each additional member must provide their own unique email address at the time of purchase. This will help to ensure email deliverability will run smoothly, that each new member will have the best experience possible, and will allow our amazing customer care team to provide world-class, customized support. Essentially, each unique email is the key to unlocking the healing inside the program and getting answers to those burning questions that are bound to arise along the way.

Your Welcome email will have all the details for how to buy “The Adrenal ReCode Upgrade: Add A Family Member” option so that you can start your healing journey along with your loved one(s) today. The power and synergy of working together towards a common goal cannot be understated (especially when it comes to your health).
What is the refund period of the Adrenal ReCode program?
We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee from the date you purchase the program, so you can see if it's a good fit for you.
What is your refund policy?
All Sales Are Final.
Do I have access to the whole program up front?
The program is released one module at a time over 10 weeks, so you don't get overwhelmed and we can support you to implement the strategies and achieve the results you desire.
Do I have access to the whole program up front?
Yes, you will be able to implement the strategies and achieve the results you desire at your own pace.
Yes, you will be able to implement the strategies and achieve the results you desire at your own pace. You will, however, receive support emails over a 10-week period and are based on our recommended pace of moving through the program.
How long is the program?
The Adrenal ReCode is a 10-week program.
How long do I have access to the program for?
You have access to The Adrenal ReCode portal and course materials for the life of the program.
How long do I have access to the program for?
Through Dec 31, 2023.
What age is The Adrenal ReCode appropriate for?
Any age, young or old. If you resonate with the symptoms we list on the home page, the program will support you.
Do I need to buy supplements for this program?
Supplements are optional. A multi to support the adrenals and thyroid is recommended for faster results and other supplements are mentioned for support on the program but are not required for results nor to implement the strategy.
How much does the Whole Daily + Multi-Vitamin Cost?
Whole Daily + Multivitamin is $58.49 (normally $64.99) [vendor prices subject to change] per bottle and you will need two bottles to complete our program protocol.
What if I decide to do one of the larger supplement packages once I see the results of my assessment?
Additional supplements are optional. Based upon which Tier you end up in after you take the assessment (Tier 1 or Tier 2), you will have the opportunity to purchase supplements to expedite your healing.

The supplements in Tier 1 are approximately $50.00 [vendor prices subject to change]
The supplements in Tier 2 are approximately $200.00 [vendor prices subject to change]

As mentioned, these supplements are optional and not mandatory and we will discuss them in detail when we begin the program to help you make the best decision for your healing process based upon your goals.

Customers with a shipping address outside of the US will be given a list of supplement substitutions they can typically purchase at Amazon or iHerb.
Is there program support?
Yes, a ton of it! The Adrenal ReCode 10-week program has 45+ hours of content. We also offer support to include:

Self-Assessment Algorithmic Questionnaire
Avoid the cost of expensive lab work of five different types of lab tests.

Real-Time Feedback & Assessment Tools
Real-time assessment tools that remove all the guesswork and enable you to fine-tune the program to make sure you stay in the healing zone to get the astounding results this program can deliver.

6+ Hours of Video
Over 6 hours of step-by-step video tutorials that include transcriptions & audio files.

Support Materials
30+ downloadable handouts, and customized supplement protocols according to your assessment results.

Tailored supplement guidance for your individual needs and access to supplements that are available through practitioners only.

Expert Guidance For Implementation
35 hours of detailed, recorded "How to Implement" webinars and Facebook Live events from our team of Adrenal ReCode experts.

Custom Meal Plans, Snack Ideas, & 70-Page Adrenal ReCode Recipe Book
Detailed, customized dietary recommendations, meal plans, snack ideas, and recipe book replete with macronutrient content that corresponds to an Adrenal ReCode specific app for easy logging.

The Macro Food & Mood Logging App
We take the frustration, guesswork, and math out of logging your macronutrients with our do-it-for-you auto app that has all of our meals, snacks, and recipes preloaded with protein, carbs, and fat macronutrient values. Plus, you can customize your app by adding non-Adrenal ReCode meals you love to eat.

Cutting-Edge Personal Growth Strategies
Forty years combined life coaching and emotional mastery knowledge from trusted experts including a Tony Robbins life coach and Emotional Mastery Coach that have worked with thousands of clients to help them positively transform their emotional landscape and their entire life experience.

Movement, Meditation & Breath Work
A 45-minute Parasympathetic yoga flow, other movement and exercise guidelines, three different breathing videos and techniques, a morning ritual meditation, and a releasing trapped negative emotions meditation.

Members-Only Community
Connect with the worldwide Adrenal ReCode community to bolster your success by way of judgment-free peer support and unconditional love.
Yes, a ton of it! The Adrenal ReCode 10-week program has 45+ hours of content. We also offer support to include:

Self-Assessment Algorithmic Questionnaire
Avoid the cost of expensive lab work of five different types of lab tests.

Real-Time Feedback & Assessment Tools
Real-time assessment tools that remove all the guesswork and enable you to fine-tune the program to make sure you stay in the healing zone to get the astounding results this program can deliver.

6+ Hours of Video
Over 6 hours of step-by-step video tutorials that include transcriptions & audio files.

Support Materials
30+ downloadable handouts, and customized supplement protocols according to your assessment results.

Tailored supplement guidance for your individual needs and access to supplements that are available through practitioners only.

Expert Guidance For Implementation
35 hours of detailed, recorded "How to Implement" webinars and Facebook Live events from our team of Adrenal ReCode experts.

Email Support From 5 Integrative Nutritionists
Access to our team of highly-trained clinical and integrative nutritionists to answer your specific clinical questions via email within 48 hours. You cannot get this type of customized care with any other online program.

Custom Meal Plans, Snack Ideas, & 70-Page Adrenal ReCode Recipe Book
Detailed, customized dietary recommendations, meal plans, snack ideas, and recipe book replete with macronutrient content that corresponds to an Adrenal ReCode specific app for easy logging.

The Macro Food & Mood Logging App
We take the frustration, guesswork, and math out of logging your macronutrients with our do-it-for-you auto app that has all of our meals, snacks, and recipes preloaded with protein, carbs, and fat macronutrient values. Plus, you can customize your app by adding non-Adrenal ReCode meals you love to eat.

Cutting-Edge Personal Growth Strategies
Forty years combined life coaching and emotional mastery knowledge from trusted experts including a Tony Robbins life coach and Emotional Mastery Coach that have worked with thousands of clients to help them positively transform their emotional landscape and their entire life experience.

Movement, Meditation & Breath Work
A 45-minute Parasympathetic yoga flow, other movement and exercise guidelines, three different breathing videos and techniques, a morning ritual meditation, and a releasing trapped negative emotions meditation.

Members-Only Facebook Group
Connect with the worldwide Adrenal ReCode community to bolster your success by way of judgment-free peer support and unconditional love.
What if I need more support than that?
If you need more 1-on-1 support then we will refer you to work with one of our clinical program partners privately so that they can help you customize your Adrenal ReCode for the greatest level of success. Each clinical consultant offers discounted half-hour sessions to help you get the support you need.
What if I need more support than that?
You have the option inside the program to book a paid 30-minute session with a clinician.
Can I do this program if I am Type I Diabetic?
Depending on the personal health goals of the individual and the overall metabolic system of someone with Type 1 Diabetes, the introduction of carbohydrates back into the diet can offer a multitude of physiological benefits but will have to be done with extreme care and over a period of time.

Even then, how much carbohydrate one would be able to handle would need to be closely monitored.  Therefore, If you are a Type I Diabetic, you will be required to work privately (2-4 private 30-minute consults) with one of our Adrenal ReCode nutritionists to ensure your safe progress.
Can I do this program if I’m pregnant or nursing?
Yes, The Adrenal ReCode is safe for pregnancy and nursing (Amen, right?!). It is a food-based program and only requires taking one supplement, The Adrenal ReCode Multi, which is designed to boost, balance and nurture the adrenals, thyroid, and brain. The Adrenal ReCode multi actually helps improve fetal development, milk production, and balancing your hormones post-birth.
Will this program help with fertility?
Absolutely, because it will balance and replenish your sex hormones in the most holistic way. 90% of the hormonal balance for fertility, pregnancy, birth and the first year after stem from healthy thyroid and adrenal glands, because they work synergistically together to inform and ultimately control the sex hormones. You cannot ovulate if your thyroid is compromised, therefore you cannot get pregnant.

We must rejuvenate and restore our thyroid and adrenals prior to and after pregnancy if we are to thrive.
What if I’ve already done Gut Thrive in 5?
You have done more for your body than you know by completing Gut Thrive in 5!

Healing the gut is first base to hormonal balance that has been disrupted by antibiotics or exposure to heavy-duty pathogens or because of long-standing leaky gut. Your foundation has been laid and now The Adrenal ReCode is perfect for you to build and achieve lasting hormonal balance.

When we have gut trouble for any length of time, we can stop producing cellular energy because the conversion of inactive thyroid hormone (T4) into active thyroid hormone (T3 - the one that we need inside of our cells in order to make energy) gets blocked and so the body struggles to make and burn energy efficiently.

Because the thyroid gets so depleted from all the hard work of having to deal with gut issues, the adrenal glands have to step in to help with supplying “energy,” but they can only offer that you live off of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which over time creates anxiety, insomnia, and exhaustion.

This happens because this state of adrenal assistance that was supposed to be temporary ultimately becomes a new biochemical adaptation that we have a hard time getting out of and so we go on to live in this uncomfortable way, thinking it’s our “new normal.”

Long story short, The Adrenal ReCode is your natural next step to better and better health. And if you did Gut Thrive successfully, you can definitely do The Adrenal ReCode with great success - you are ready!
What if I did your Candida Cleanse?
Congratulations on completing Kick Candida for Good!

Your foundation has been laid and now you can start to build and achieve lasting hormonal balance with The Adrenal ReCode - you’re a perfect candidate!

When we have candida for any length of time, we can stop producing cellular energy because the conversion of inactive thyroid hormone (t4) into active thyroid hormone (T3 - the one that we need inside of our cells in order to make energy) gets blocked by the overgrowth and so the body struggles to make and burn energy efficiently.

When we clear out the excess candida and rejuvenate the gut, the thyroid can slowly start to function again, but some targeted help can go a LONG way in boosting your energy, mood, hair, skin, nails, and an overall sense of well-being.

Because the thyroid gets so depleted from all the hard work of having to deal with candida and it’s ensuing gut issues, the adrenal glands have no choice but to step in to help with supplying “energy,” but they can only offer that you live off of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which over time creates anxiety, insomnia, and exhaustion.

This happens because this state of adrenal assistance that was supposed to be temporary ultimately becomes a new biochemical adaptation that we have a hard time getting out of and so we go on to live in this uncomfortable way, thinking it’s our “new normal.”

Long story short, The Adrenal ReCode is your natural next step to better and better health. And if you did Kick Candida successfully, you can definitely do The Adrenal ReCode with great success - you are ready!
I’ve been experiencing adrenal issues and was just going to sign up for your Kick Candida Program, but now I learned about The Adrenal ReCode. How do I know which program is better for me?
If you are experiencing chronic yeast infections, skin outbreaks, or have taken antibiotics three times in the last year, do Kick Candida first. If you do not fit any of these three issues, then The Adrenal ReCode will be great for you. We improve the way the body processes and uses food and at the same time the nootropics (substances that enhance cognitive function and memory) and daily food recommendations are targeted to balance the digestive system, so you should get a positive change in candida as an added benefit/byproduct of ReCoding your adrenals.
What if I have unresolved gut infections or immune troubles, which program is right for me?
If you have taken broad-spectrum antibiotics 3 or more times in the last year, or have a confirmed lab diagnosis of a parasitic, protozoal, or H. pylori infection, then we suggest you do Gut Thrive in 5 prior to The Adrenal ReCode. Gut Thrive is gut specific to eradicate gut infections to re-educate the immune system addressing the gut as the root cause foundation to healing.

If you have digestive trouble that has not resolved with a gut healing program or if you feel that your digestive troubles are stress-induced, then The Adrenal ReCode is right for you. Infections cannot take root/attach when the nervous system is healthy.

Stress hormones thin the lining of the gut and lower immunity, making you susceptible to leaky gut, food sensitivities, constipation or diarrhea, and pathogens to take root. You must remove the root cause of stress-induced infections by safeguarding your hormones so that you do not continue the cycle of allowing a compromise to your gut or immune system.

The Adrenal ReCode heals TAG disorder by addressing the nervous system as root cause healing which then systematically rebuilds the adrenal glands, nourishes and revitalizes the thyroid, and heals stress-induced gut issues by training the body to flip from fight-or-flight into rest-digest-and-hea.
Can you do this program as a vegan or vegetarian?
No. You must at least eat fish (and preferably eggs) to do The Adrenal ReCode program. Otherwise, you will not be able to implement our Six-Pillar strategy.
What if I have food sensitivities?
The Adrenal ReCode program is friendly for those with food sensitivities. It is a gluten-free program. We do use high-quality dairy to assist with faster healing and help attendees overcome dairy sensitivities (not dairy allergies), but if you prefer to do the program dairy-free, you can. We can work with all other food sensitivities, however, if you have more than 10 major food sensitivities, you should first heal your gut with my Gut Thrive in 5 program and revisit The Adrenal ReCode after that.
What’s included in the Interactive Adrenal ReCode Subscription benefits?
For one year from your date of purchase, you receive the following Interactive Adrenal ReCode Support Subscription benefits (1st year included, $99/year thereafter):

1. LIVE support for you, our ReCoders in REAL time through our Adrenal ReCode subscription from our team of Level 3 licensed clinical nutritionists, who are determined to help you customize the program and answer your questions in real-time.
2. Quarterly LIVE Adrenal ReCode Webinars with Christa and other Adrenal ReCode experts who will help you continue to customize your healing process as your health evolves. You cannot find this kind of cutting-edge support with any other online program!
3. Members-only access to The Adrenal ReCode Facebook Group, which has been created for you to support each other through this continual transformational journey and share with each other how you're feeling, what you’ve discovered, your A-HAs, build community with your fellow program members and celebrate as you work your way through the program. Christa and other Adrenal ReCode experts will periodically be popping in for LIVE Facebook Q&A’s to directly connect with you and help you customize the program.
What happens to my access to The Adrenal ReCode program after 1 year?
You have access to the Adrenal ReCode course materials for the life of the program.

However, If you’d like to continue to receive the Interactive Adrenal ReCode Support Subscription benefits after 1 year from your date of purchase, you simply do nothing. Your card or PayPal on file will be automatically charged $99 for another year.

But, don’t worry, you can manage your Adrenal ReCode annual auto-renewal subscription preferences at any time and opt-out of the annual auto-renewal subscription billing cycle which means that you’ll no longer have access to the Interactive Adrenal ReCode Support Subscription benefits one year from your date of purchase.

We’ll also send you multiple auto-renewal notification reminder emails before your renewal date so you can see where you are in your healing process and make the best decision for yourself at that time.
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