The 7-Day Soup Reset & Natural Lifestyle Reboot

Christa and Wellness Mama have joined forces to bring you an easy reset kit which includes two must have e-books (plus 3 hours of video) that will guide you on a systematic 7-Day Soup Cleanse that resets the brain, organs, glands, and hormones while teaching practical tips to create a healthier home, body, and lifestyle for you and your family.
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.
What's inside?

It's Time for a Reset!

7-Day Soup Reset
Cleanse Prep Checklist
Morning Adrenal Thyroid Balancer
Healing Breakfast Porridge
9 Soups, 3 Broths & 5 Healthy Snacks
Customization Strategies
Nighttime Inflammation Slasher
Proper Hydration & Herbal Detox Teas
Lymphatic Cleansing & Self Care
3 Hours of video Q&A with Christa (and Katie)
Natural Lifestyle Reboot
How to Engage Your Kids in a Healthy Lifestyle
Living Healthy on a Budget
Upgrade Your Personal Care Products
Detox Your Home & Natural Cleaning
Natural Remedies
Post Soup Reset Plan, 10 Transition Recipes
Lymphatic Cleansing & Self Care
How to Make Your Reset a Lifestyle Going Forward
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.

Join 20,000+ People Transforming Their Lives

“I am a lucky girl to have found you!”
“I have officially lost all my baby weight! Yay for me and thank you Christa and The Whole Journey for changing my life. I have never been in so much peace nor had so much energy in as long as I can remember. I am a lucky girl to have found you!”
- Arika D.
“I couldn't be more grateful!”
“Christa helped me dig to the root cause of my health concerns and is a wealth of knowledge. She is sharing an amazing message of health and healing to the world. Now that I have my energy back, she has been a mentor and a role model in my journey to start a healing business of my own. I couldn't be more grateful!”
- Megan R.

Meet Christa.

Christa brings you decades worth of experience of taking over 20,000 people through many different detox processes as well as her own personal journey from spending tens of thousands of dollars doing acclaimed systematic cleanses all around the world.
Science-backed HEALTH Transformation

Proven Methodology

Body as One Whole
If you have a rock in your shoe, wouldn’t you agree that it’s better to take off your shoe and remove the rock versus taking ibuprofen to mask the discomfort?
Life-long Changes
By creating a balance between the clinical aspects of health, primary foods and the foods you eat everyday; you’ll experience steady changes in your health and well being that you’ll be able to maintain for life.
Highly Personalized
I believe every individual has distinct dietary needs based upon genetics, lifestyle, gender, age, blood type, stress levels, how they ate as a child, current state of health and future health goals.
Members have the knowledge and tools to take full accountability and responsibility for their health for the rest of their lives, and know how to course-correct if or when symptoms reappear.
Free of Willpower
While many nutritional philosophies dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins, and restrictive “good and bad” foods, this community is provided with the tools and knowledge to create a happier, healthier life in a way that is fun, flexible, and free of willpower and denial.
Mind-Body-Spirit Approach
I focus on primary food elements that nourish you including honest, open relationships, movement you enjoy, a meaningful spiritual practice, a creative outlet that inspires you, and an understanding that there can be emotional roots to physical illness.

No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means.

‍Ibig believer that many are suffering unnecessarily and that if we bypass addressing individual symptoms in favor of looking at the body as one whole, systemic organism where all organs and glands are in concert with each other, the body will heal itself more effectively.
the whole journey mission

We're on a mission help as many people as possible to heal and then thrive, while also making a positive impact on the state of our food supply, environment, and health care system.

Why do I need a Reset?

At least twice a year, I encourage you to do a total body reset, which means taking a week to eliminate added sugar, dairy, and other potential food allergens to rid your body of built up toxins. Every recipe in these e-books is totally clean, completely nourishing, systematically created, and easy to make.

Now let’s get cleansing!
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.
This is a private website platform and is proprietary in nature and controlled under special private agreement. Oneness Ministry, and Christa’s Private health club are organized to uplift the community and the environment through health education, support, fellowship and unity. The content on this site is for informational purposes intended only for members as an expression of our ministry to the world. Everything on this Site is based upon our own private opinions, educational ministry. We operate in honor, trust, and by membership dues and donation only. The content and materials herein are not to be obtained in any manner-including but not limited to-recordings, copying of any kind, hand written, etc., from this site by any and all parties without express permission from managing parties. Any downloadable material including but not limited to audio, typewritten or video format is for personal use and individual private education. All material and experiences provided within our ministry are private between man/woman who choose to operate in private, and contains privileged and/or confidential information and is for the sole use of the intended recipient; Oneness Ministry and Christa’s Private Health Club reserve all rights and are not responsible for individual use by the Members, Users and/or Visitors to this site. All rights are without prejudice and without recourse by the sender(s). All State and Federal public entities, legal persons, offices, officers, agencies or agents are barred from extracting content from this site under any presumption of law without express permission by Oneness Ministry and Christa’s Private Health Club. All state and federal persons and offices will be held liable in their private and public capacities for any breach of these conditions. Assumed and presumed public statutory authority over the private proprietary property of Oneness Ministry and Christa’s Private Health Club, contained and maintained on this site is hereby rebutted and denied without a valid quo warranto, express contract or express agreement, under authority by God.